Illustration by Milo Winter (1919)
There is an Aesop’s fable that might have been read to you as a child. A story about a race between a tortoise and a hare.
Obviously Hare is expected to win so consequently is full of confidence and bravado as he races off from the start, while Tortoise slowly meanders to the line. Hares ego soon gets the better of him, becoming distracted by everything on route, meanwhile Tortoise makes steady progress and lo and behold, passes him. This does not worry Hare as with his speed he believes he can soon catch up and pass the humble tortoise.
But Tortoise, slowly getting on with the task in hand, makes progress and reaches the finish line in front of Hare, surprising everyone.
So what has this tale got do with horses? Everything!
Someone asked me the other day why I had still not “thrown a saddle on Chinook yet”, apart form the fact I won’t be “throwing” anything on her, the answer to that was very simple. “because she is not ready”. I am in no rush, and neither should anyone be when working with horses. I am searching for quality, not the clock.
By taking the time you need, laying down strong and lasting foundations, the less likely you will have to take steps back or even start again. Don’t get distracted by the opinions of others if they are contrary to what your horse is telling you.
Remember it is not the goal that is important but how you achieve it. By taking the time you need and not rushing your horse, you will build a lasting relationship full of trust. Listen to what they are saying and remember even a whisper can offend if you use the wrong words.
I leave you with this Disney cartoon form 1934. Enjoy!