Part One: Well they say the best place to start is at the beginning and that is exactly what we did. Apache has had a difficult start and has such trust issues, I think that to restart the process and replace those bad memories with good, will reap reward. I know that Pablo is keen to ride off into the sunset but I reminded him of the Tortoise and the Hare. Sometimes the slower you go the quicker you will get there!

Leading on the Right Eye
So what are the first steps? For me that is being able to lead your horse with confidence yet softly, guiding not pulling, relaxed but decisive equally on both sides, and at distance. By working on this basic skill, it will build on the relationship between Pablo and Apache and leave them with a new level of confidence with each other.
Pablo felt more comfortable starting with the “partner” position, where you stand next to your horse, I am a big advocate of not making something harder than it has to be, so if that was how Pablo felt, that is where we started. Leading on the left eye had become very easy for them both so I asked Pablo to move to the right. As expected Apache found it strange that Pablo was on his right eye, trying to move his body to put Pablo back on his left. By taking it slowly, rewarding any forward movement with a rest, soon they were steadily walking around the Round Pen in both directions, on both eyes. Due to his connection and relaxed energy we added stopping together and taking one or two steps backwards, constantly being aware of how Apache was feeling with this new task.
The next step, so to speak, would be leading at distance. This was more difficult than first anticipated. Pablo felt the need to keep looking behind, this created a miss step and uneven rhythm which would draw Apache and he would end up closing in on him.

Leading at distance. In step
Trust is a two way street, you ask them to trust you but in turn you need to trust them, it takes time to “feel” where they are, the energy they are giving. By showing Pablo that if he just trusted Apache and allowed him the space to understand he would follow him at the distance he asked for.

Every step counts
Pablo is an excellent student, and with a little practice was walking around not looking back, stopping on queue. Apache was attentive to Pablo’s movements and with rest and reward became very comfortable following his lead, always watching for the change in pace and stopping when asked. They will mirror you if you allow them to see, even the steps you take!
Our first session went very well and although some may think that learning to walk is a bit dumb, remember every time you pick up the lead rope you are communicating and you need to know what you are saying!
Part Two: Pablo and Apache had worked on their homework of leading, left and right, at distance, stopping and backing up and all was going very well. Watching them move around the round pen it was obvious that Apache, although performing all that was asked of him, was holding a lot of tension both physical and mental. This has built up over years and getting him to let go will be a long road.
I wanted to see how his lateral flexion was and it soon became evident that it was not good. Always wanting Apache to have the best experience possible, I walked Pablo through the theory and practice of relaxing the neck. Considering Apache has been out of work for over a year, and it highly unlikely anyone had ever taken the time on these exercises, I wanted to make sure he knew the best method without risking over stretching such a stiff neck.

Showing lateral flexion
Not enough attention is put on the bio-mechanics of the horse, we expect them to carry us without question and often without preparation. How is it that if we were about to start any exercise, we would stretch and warm up before starting, yet we expect our horses to be always ready straight from the paddock with no thought to their physical preparation.

Foundation of Trust
Trust is the foundation of any relationship and is especially true of horses. Without it we may have compliant horses but will we have a bond that will last? It takes time, particularly when you are working with a horse that brings an unknown past that has left them with zero trust.
Watching that trust deepen between Apache and Pablo is incredible to witness.
I am unmoved by those who tell me that “I did this and that, in JUST a few days” I congratulate them and move on, my path is one that is determined by the horse and their needs, not by peers or the clock!