Musings of the Mustangers
Every Now and Again Musings on Ranch Life, Horses and Humans
The 3 R’s. Release, Relax and Reflect
The 3 R’s came to mind. Find the Release, encourage the Relax and take time to Reflect. There are no quick fixes that last.
Playful Protest leads to Learning.
Playful Protest in my experience is when a horse displays tension and anxiety, and releases that with an explosion of energy. It is neither an aggressive, or a defensive action and leads to open channels of learning…
What’s in your toolbox?
Everyone has those things that they can not be without. They make your life easier and you know just where they are all the time. Here are a few things I always have in my toolbox.
First time saddled – Bareback Pad. (🇪🇸Primera vez ensillado – almohadilla a pelo)
A strong trusting foundation allows a horse to understand that the next step need not be a bad experience. 🇪🇸 Una base sólida y confiable permite que un caballo entienda que el siguiente paso no tiene por qué ser una mala experiencia.
Transitioning to Barefoot… less Magic, more Logic
This is for all those that think that if you don’t shoe your horse their feet will fall off…
Diesel, In The Wired Wild Wood – A Tribute
A few months ago I was introduced to Katy Dunne, a talented sculptress, working in fine wire. She fills all her work with love and joy, as a result you can truly feel the passion in each sculpture as it comes to life.