Musings of the Mustangers
Every Now and Again Musings on Ranch Life, Horses and Humans
Listen and Learn
My teacher Charlie, I looked into his big brown eyes filled with emotion, his look of “you got it”, my gift…
A Forever Student: Straightness Training Mastery
How can you balance your horse if you are out of balance? How can you ask your horse to be all he can be if you are not being all you can be?
Weaning; another milestone
It was an exciting week last week at Spanish Mustang UK, the babies started the weaning process. The following days were interesting watching the complex ebb and flow of relationships.
Alternative Fuel; Charlie style..
I have a lot of horse poop! So decided to try my hand at making burnable manure fire bricks as an alternative fuel. So how did I get on?
Medicine Hat – Myth and Legend
As a Medicine Hat, Diesel’s makings make him rare and revered, with his blue eye and war shield covering his chest, he would have been destined for greatness.. and we think he still is.
All about the Boy(s)
Introducing Dakota Wildfire aka Diesel, a 4 month old medicine hat Spanish Mustang colt, Charlie’s son and the new member of our family.