Coming Full Circle – A journey of a life time
Back in August I was asked to write a piece for The Barefoot Horse Magazine. As the only magazine (both in print and on-line) dedicated to Barefoot Horses & their owners it was, without doubt, a great opportunity to tell our story.

Evolution-Barefoot T’s
It all came about when the editor Lindsey Setchell saw my post about our Evolution Barefoot T-Shirt, which we are selling in The Windchaser Ranch Trading Post; our non-profit store. After a brief conversation she asked if I wouldn’t mind sharing the how and why with her readers.
I jumped at the chance. Having the possibility to tell a wider audience about the journey I find myself on with this magnificent breed and how bringing the Spanish Mustang into my life has had such a profound impact was a wonderful opportunity.
The article covers my personal transformation from a high end footwear designer to giving it all up to focus on promoting and conserving the Spanish Mustang, and our research into the natural horse and how committing to barefoot became a huge part of that.

The Journey of a Lifetime
Here are a couple of extracts.
“Known to be one of the very few genetically unique horse breeds in the world and given the role they played in shaping not only the world’s history, but the influence they played on the modern horse breeds of today….I was even more determined that this was the horse for me.”

Charlie, Where it all started
“While I was waiting for Charlie to join me and during my further research of Mustangs and natural care, I came across Jaime Jackson and his research on keeping horses barefoot and in a “Paddock Paradise” environment. I was immediately fascinated and knew this was another change I wanted to make in myself”.
Beautifully presented and impeccably edited by Lindsey, I am very proud to be associated with such an important publication. This is a must buy magazine and a great piece of reference material for anyone that is barefoot, thinking about barefoot or just for those that love the horses that share our lives….
If you want to read more on our desire to go back to the country of origin of the Spanish Mustang and set up a conservation and education center called ‘Windchaser Ranch’ then don’t miss it in Issue 12 OUT NOW of The Barefoot Horse Magazine!
We have set up a GoFundMe page for anyone who would like to take a few steps on our journey with us www.gofundme.com/spanish-mustang. The target is high but the saying every little helps could not be more relevant. We are selling everything, investing all we have and as the funds grow we will be able to take steps to realising the dream. I feel honoured to know this breed and want to be able to share that with others before it is too late, it would be a tragedy to lose them.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story…

Issue 12
You can find The Barefoot Horse Magazine by clicking on the following links.
on-line – www.barefoothorsemag.co.uk
on Facebook – BarefootHorseMag
on Instagram – barefoothorse_magazine
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