Diesel is a direct descendent of Emmett Brislawn’s Medicine Hat Stallion, San Domingo SMR #4 who was made famous by Marguerite Henry’s 1972 book San Domingo, the Medicine Hat Stallion.
Reserved for the Chiefs, these valiant war horses, were very closely guarded. It was believed that to lose a medicine hat was a bad omen for the whole tribe. Unfortunately, as they also believed that good magic followed them where ever they went, other tribes would try and steal them to take the good luck for themselves and weaken the other tribe.
The myth and legend behind the markings is very strong, they believed these horses processed special powers, protecting the rider in battle. If the medicine hat also had blue eyes, and a war shield, the dark marking covering the chest of the horse, they were even more highly prized.
As a Medicine Hat, Diesel’s makings make him rare and revered, with his blue eye and war shield covering his chest, he would have been destined for greatness..
and we think he still is…..